The FC 24 Coins Seasons mode is a staple of the franchise, having been part of the series for many years. Players choose any pre-existing club, the players of which will have live updated stats. Beginning in Division 10 (or 8. depending on whether the player played the previous FIFA ), players will try to work their way up to Division 1.
Whether it's choosing a team the player supports, or a four-and-a-half star up and comer, or even an international team; teams will have different strengths and weaknesses. FC 24 has a very prevalent meta, which leads to superstar teams being the best choices due to the incredibly overpowered stats of their players. Seasons is one of the best modes on FIFA, and a lot of players' experience depends on the team they choose.
Updated February 4. 2022 by Mark Sammut: Seasons does not tend to get as much love as Ultimate Team, but it serves as a nice change of pace from the more meta-heavy online modes. As these clubs came preloaded with their current rosters, it typically leads to a balanced experience where players seek to maximize their specific squad's strengths rather than focus on just speed. Naturally, there are a couple of teams that dominate Seasons, be it due to their name value or the simple fact that they have squads that can overwhelm most other options. This article has been expanded to include a few more of the best teams to use in FC 24 's Seasons.
When it comes to women's football, only international teams are included in Fut 24 Coins for sale. Consequently, this makes it quite difficult to find a match in Seasons since there are not all that many players who pick Women's National teams. Nevertheless, there are some very strong squads in this bracket, with the United States leading the pack followed by Germany.