Roblox allows players to freely personalize clothing Roblox Items , allowing them to express themselves and stand out from others.With millions of users and a game that is only growing in popularity, there are a lot of avatars that appear highly similar. Not only is there a store full of new and old items to customize the character with, but they can also make their own outfits.

How to Make a Shirt on Roblox

The process of creating templates for t-shirts is complicated and requires creativity.

But, once you get the hang of it, you can easily create tons of shirt templates and upload them on Roblox.

Although there is a tool called Roblox shirt maker, I don’t recommend using it as it is illegal.

My best advice is to show your creativity level and create the best template out of it manually.

Hey, don’t know how to play Roblox? Here’s a complete list of all basic Roblox controls.

Here are the steps to create a shirt on Roblox:

Download the shirt template from Roblox and copy the template (check the next section to download the template manually).

Download and Open

Open a new page and paste the template using Ctrl+V.

Tap on the Magic Wand tool and select every bodily part from the template.

Press Delete and create a new page.

Download any desired background image and copy-paste it to the new page.

Open the Roblox template again and select all the transparent regions.

Copy all the selected transparent regions and paste them into the background image.

Create multiple layers for adding text messages.

Once you finalize the Roblox t-shirt template, save the design and upload it on Roblox.

That's all information about how to make clothes in Roblox, more tips please visit